Modern Weaponry
Adults (XVIIth – XIXth)
Adults (XIVth – XVth)
Juniores (XIVth – XVth)
What’s that?
The Historical European Martial Arts (H.E.MA.) discipline consists of studying the fighting methods and fighting systems that existed on the European ground in his past, distant or close, on the base of historical sources, mostly using fighting treatises and fighting manuscripts left by masters or students back then.
How to Join?
Every person interested and curious about our club is welcome to give it a try with two free trail sessions. The minimum gear you must bring for a starter is a comfortable sports outfit, changing rooms are avaliable if needed. For the rest, we have spare equipment to lend for newcomers.
Longsword trial courses run from September 1st to October 13th and from January 1st to January 31st.